Want to help us achieve our vision of increasing access to healthy local produce through sustainable farming and community engagement?
We know that achieving real and lasting change cannot be done alone.
We provide sponsorship opportunities that allow you to connect to our local community and land through various recognition opportunities and a complimentary group volunteer experience.
Check out below the ways you can support us. Please reach out to jenna@sharingfarm.ca to start a conversation about how we can best work together.

Harvest Basket Sponsor
Farm Land Sponsor
Investment: ≥ $1,000
Investment: ≥ $10,000
Beehive Sponsor
Investment: ≥ $5,000
Help us support a family facing food insecurity for the 2024 growing season. These families become a part of our CSA community and receive a weekly box of fresh vegetables for four months.
In addition to providing three Harvest Baskets and veggies for the free Musqueam Farmers Market, help support native bee forage plantings and two beehives in our sustainably managed apiary.
Support our core work of growing nutritious food for local families who visit the Richmond Food Bank and the free Musqueam Farmers Market.
Become the exclusive sponsor of an acre of our sustainably managed farmland that yields fresh veggies and ecosystem services to benefit our community, soil, water, and wildlife.
A sign with your company logo acknowledging your support will be displayed on the side of the field and seen by many. The Sharing Farm, located in Terra Nova Rural Park, is bordered by walking paths frequented by thousands of residents and visitors throughout the year.
Sponsor Perks