Empower Growth through Dignified Food Access and Community Connection
Thank you for considering a donation to The Sharing Farm. Your generosity helps enable us to provide over 20,000 pounds of fresh, healthy produce annually to folks facing food insecurity through donations to local food banks and our community partners, as well as through donated Harvest Baskets through our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program.
Donations provide invaluable flexible funding which allow us to allocate resources where they're needed most to support our mission. Flexible funding helps us adapt, operate sustainably, and maximize our impact. Right now, we’re focused on building capacity through staff retention, improving our social enterprise profitability, and streamlining our admin processes to allow us to increase our impact.
Thank you for your generosity and for walking with us as we strive to make a positive difference in Metro-Vancouver communities through growing connection and local, sustainable food systems.
Looking to double your impact? Whether it's providing a family with meals for a whole season, supporting a beehive, or sponsoring an acre of land on our farm, we have various opportunities for larger donors and corporate sponsors. Find out more here.